Wednesday, December 22, 2010

it's not christmas without...

Sugar Cookies!!

D and I decided to get into the holiday spirit last night and whip up some sugar cookies.
I think we had way more fun making them than we did eating them.
Although, they were pretty tasty if I do say so myself.

The gingerbread man and woman are supposed to be D and I. And yes, I know it looks like a pre-schooler decorated them. As you can see, cookie decorating is just not one of our talents. To be fair, though, we didn't have a lot of materials. It was discovered after we had baked the cookies that we didn't have any food coloring. Therefore, the only frosting color we had was white. Also, the only sprinkles we had on hand were the ones shown above. That colored icing on some of the cookies was also some we already had. I think we might have gotten it as part of a wedding gift. Although it was very cute and fun to work with, I thought it tasted terrible. D, on the other hand, absolutely loved it and used it on almost all of the cookies he frosted. I thought the sprinkles were much tastier.

D and I are so excited for our very-first Christmas together! We've already finished our Christmas shopping (I say "already" because even though Christmas is in two days, this is probably the earliest I've ever been done). I love our tree with the pile of wrapped presents underneath, and I love the light-up snowflake in our apartment window. I've also loved being off work this week. I've had time to go grocery shopping, clean every last corner of our apartment, go to the gym, wrap presents, and cook yummy dinners every night. I've also had time to snuggle up with D, and watch episode after episode of "Community" since we missed the last season (curse you...Thursday night classes!) 

Hope you are all loving the holidays as much as we are!

1 comment:

  1. I am dying. I love you both so much. THOSE COOKIES ARE AMAZING. aldkfjgalkub. So much love.


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