Thursday, October 6, 2011

Salsa Days

Every Fall since I can remember, my mom has spent a day making and canning her own homemade salsa.   I remember my Grandma J. being there too until she passed away a few years ago. The year after she died was the year my mom taught me how to make salsa, too. We still use her recipe. Grandma J. got it from her friend Ila. I love that it lists some of the ingredients in bushels.

Making salsa is an experience. It takes an entire day. There's a lot of peeling and chopping and chatting and simmering and tasting. I can hardly describe the wonderful smell that fills up the house as soon as the salsa starts to simmer. It's a warm, spicy smell that I find oddly comforting and extremely nostalgic. You open the door and you know immediately - It's a salsa day. 

My mom and I had such a wonderful time making salsa this year. It's probably just me being nostalgic, but canning salsa really makes it feel like Fall. It's such a fun Jacobsen tradition!

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