Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The last time I posted, there was a picture of snow.

Which means it's been way too long since I've posted. Spring has sprung, and I have the allergies to prove it. There are also some springy daffodils outside my apartment window that I can't get enough of! I have a THOUSAND things to blog about, so I promise I'll catch up this week. In the meantime, here is a song that you should probably listen to, because I'm kind of obsessed with it.

                   Some Nights by fun. on Grooveshark

Also! I got Instagram!! This is cause for celebration. I've only been waiting ages for it to be available on Android. You can follow me if you'd like: mandy_sorensen.

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh, welcome to the world of instagram. you quickly will become OBSESSED!!! the snow has returned here, which is so weird because it was 80 degrees just the other day. what's going on mother nature!?? ha
    xo TJ


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